The combination of ERE’s experience in the energy sector and its rich resources in engineering, project management and financing amounts to an invaluable intellectual asset.

Information is best when it is shared. The sharing of information and the effects on the evolving market structure of the resulting discussion is especially important during this period of transition to a completely liberalised energy market.

In this context, we proudly present following white papers to all participants in the Turkish energy sector:

  • 15. Presentation at Zonguldak Karaelmas University, on 11 April 2007 :
    The adventure of hydroelectricity (available in Turkish only)
    N. Nadi BAKIR, MSCE
    Member of the board, ERE Hydroelectricity Co.

  • 14. Presentation at Ankara Chamber of Industry , on 15 September 2006 :
    Strategy for Electricity Generation in Turkey (available in Turkish only)
    H. Reşat KÖYMEN, MSCE
    Chairman,ERE Holding Co.; Head of Energy Sector Council,Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchangers of Turkey,

  • 12. Speech on June 2nd, 2006 :
    Renewable Energy Symposium (available in Turkish only)
    N. Nadi BAKIR, MSCE
    Member of the board, ERE Hydroelectricity Co.

  • 11. Presentation, on behalf of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Energy Market Committee, at meeting organized by Improvement of the Investment Environment(YOIK) at Treasury Undersecretariat on May 11th, 2006 (Slide Show):
    Electricity Generation Strategy of Turkey (available in Turkish only)
    H. Reşat KÖYMEN , MSCE
    Chairman, ERE Holding Co.