Autoproducer contract for Aksu Regulators and Sahmallar HEPP and Sugozu Regulators and Kizilduz HEPP (which together constitute the Gazipasa Energy Group), located back-to-back on the same river in Gazipasa, Antalya-Turkey was signed on year-2001 between ERE Hydroelectric Co. (previously ERE Autoproducer Co.) and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Upon enactment of Electricity Market Law No:4628 it was decided to realize the project under liberal electricity market and Generation Licences for 40 years were obtained from EMRA on October 2nd, 2003. In 31 August 2006, duration of Generation Licenses are modified as 49 years.

General View of Project Site
Construction of Gazipasa Energy Group Project commenced following comissioning of Birkapili HEPP on March-2004. Commissioning of the two HEPP’s with a total installed power of 30 MW is completed in November 2006.
As of end-of-September 2006, transportation of electromechanical equipment manufactured by AREVA T&D (Austria) – VA TECH Bouvier Hydro (France) – MOTEURS LEROY SOMER (France) is completed. Following the assembly and tests, the Preliminary Acceptance of Kizilduz HEPP and Sahmallar HEPP are signed on September 8th,2006 and November 15th,2006 respectively and commercial operation started. The two power plants are expected to generate 120 Million kWh of electricity annually.
Detailed information regarding the project is available at the following pages;