ERE continues serving the community in education field, alongside with energy projects.

ERE – Dagpazari Primary School, first of the two primary schools in Town of Mut, Mersin’s most remote countryside villages of Dagpazari and Yapinti, located in the project site of Birkapili HEPP had opened for education on 2003-2004 semester with a ceremony held on September 22nd 2003.

ERE – Yapinti Primary School built in Yapinti Village is also completed and opened for education on 2004-2005 semester.

ERE – Yapinti Primary School includes a computer class furnished by ERE Group and the only sports hall in the reagion. Also, teachers of the school were given Computer and Computer Aided Teaching Course in Middle East Technical University.

with these facilities, ERE – Yapinti Primary School is an asset to region’s education infrastructure as a completely equipped school.

Photographs from ERE – Yapinti Primary School are available at Photo Archive