ERE Group continues to serve Turkey in education services by building two primary schools in Town of Mut, Mersin’s most remote countryside villages of Dagpazari and Yapinti, located in the project site of Birkapili HEPP

Inaguration Ceremony of the first one, ERE – Dagpazari Primary School which opened for education on 2003-2004 semester is held on September 22nd 2003, with participation of great number of guests and local residents.

We hereby present our deepest gratitude for our guests that honoured our ceremony with their participation;
– Governor of Mersin, A.Atilla OSMANCELEBIOGLU
– General Director of Primary Education at Ministry of Education, Huseyin CALIK
– AKP Mersin PM’s Ali ER and Saffet BENLI
– Garrison Commander, Brigader Admiral Abdullah AKGUL
– Head Official (sub-Governor) of Mut, Harun KAYA
– Education Director of State of Mersin, Ali GOK
– Gendarme Commander of Mut, Luitenant Alper BENLI
– Mayor of Mut, Selahattin ASLAN

ERE – Dagpazari Primary School will be a new and equipped central-school in the region that will provide education to many students from a number of nearby villages.

ERE also furnished a computer class in the school. Also, teachers of the school were given Computer and Computer Aided Teaching Course in Middle East Technical University.

ERE – Dagpazari Primary School is an asset to region’s education infrastructure as a completely equipped school.

Photographs from Inaguration Ceremony of September 22nd 2003 are available at Photo Archive