“Assessment of HYDROpower POTential of Turkey/Greece and Romania Using Innovative IT Approach” (HYDROPOT)

In collaboration with a number of universities, electricity distribution and trading companies and energy associations, ERE proposed a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) titled “Assessment of Hydropower Potential of Turkey/Greece and Romania Using Innovative IT approach (HYDROPOT) to EU within Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

Project was proposed in the thematic priority area of ‘Aeronautics and Space’, ‘Sustainable energy systems’ and ‘Sustainable surface transport’ under the Call FP6-2004-TREN-3 on 8th December 2004.

The consortium of the project consists of a number of participants all of whom are experts in their own fields.


“Limit climate change and increase the use of clean energy” is the EU strategy for sustainable development. The development of new and renewable energy sources is the key change. Doubling their share in the energy supply quota from 6 to 12% and increasing electricity production based on these energy sources from 14 to 22% is an objective for 2010.

In this view, HYDROPOT addresses the problem of integration of renewable energy sources into energy supply chain. HYDROPOT aims at promoting energy efficiency/saving, increasing the share of production and use of cleaner energy sources with a reasonable price while reducing the environmental impact and providing a significant and quantifiable contribution to European policies in the field of new renewable energy sources.

This project will provide the IT based methodology for assessment of the economically feasible hydropower potential of any part of Europe in particular and of the world in general. For a brief outline of the project and what we intend to do, please see: Abstract of HYDROPOT.

We thank all participants for their efforts and co-operation in the preparation of the HYDROPOT proposal. We hope the proposal will be successful in the evaluation of European Commission and will be selected for possible funding.

N.Nadi Bakir – Co-ordinator of HYDROPOT